13 July 2012

Late Paul Pora on Politics, Business and Family

By John L P Schmidt ▶ Sharp Talk

As a Businessman come Politician who has passed on now, I'm happy to share some thoughts in brief The Late Paul Pora and I chatted about to his Business life leading to his Political life and to his only regret at the end:

His statements

Politics: Many will enter politics without having prepared financially to invest their time, skills & own money for an idea of doing good for the nation, they will borrow or sell themselves into debt that only corruption can repay as their salaries in government won't.

Business: I realize now that no businessman should sacrifice his years of efforts without understanding the long term impact on ones children, the nation in the future will have a greater chance of added value if I spent more time showing you kids how to be assets and not just think money is a solution to keep you quiet or entertained that created expectation. I sacrfice my assets for liabilities who only took till there was nothing left to be taken. If you choose to go into Politics one day, build a business first then a business team around you and set standards and results you expect of them while you serve, set systems that will not allow theft of your business and always never trust anyone with your wealth your children must take on, even in family. Never mix Politics and Business that money can create greed easily that will lead to corruption.

My greatest regret is I gained the world at the expense of knowing my children. We gave each other peace of mind and in a rare moment said the words 'I love you' and wished each other well.

I tell his grandchildren of their 'Opa' and how we come from a unique man who was fatherless himself, an outcast for being half cast and who achieved a lot yet was a man who's was calm and at peace with nature and with himself knowing he made many mistakes and was not perfect. I hope readers can take whatever is good from our chats for their own lives or just know a little more about him than just his Public Life as many had met him or read about him or possibly even seen him in his craziness in his lifetime :-)

John P Schmidt

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