08 May 2014

Lewa Blo' Mi Buruk

Lewa blo' mi buruk
That the world would celebrate the murder of a child
That the world thinks the freedom to choose 
far outweighs the freedom to live
That the best way to fix our stupidity is to kill the innocent baby

Lewa blo' mi buruk
That the world thinks abortion 
is NOT an abomination
That a murderer is made a superstar
That a movement promoting baby-killing
Is a movement of noble calling

Lewa blo' mi buruk
That 1 in 3 babies will never see the light of day
Because their mothers had the final say
on whether they lived or died
That they were thought a mere extension of their mothers body
Not having their own self
Equal to an appendix or a spleen 
To be discarded as a useless piece of flesh and skin

Lewa blo' mi buruk
That this world is so perverted
That it can't tell the difference between right and wrong
That it can't tell the difference between anything anymore

Lewa blo' mi buruk

Ganjiki D Wayne