06 July 2012

Five Yearly Ass Kissing Fest


(I apologise for the crassness of this piece but I don't apologise for its truth.)

Every five years they try to make the people feel like they're the most important people in the world. They try convincing us that we are powerful. That now our opinion counts. Now our cries are heard. They make us believe that they live and breathe for us. They tell us to choose well ("choose well" translates into "choose me!").

They colour their speeches with words that tickle our ears to make us believe in their vain prophecies. They feed us with left-over lamb cuttings from New Zealand, to fatten our stomachs for one unhealthy evening. They pour into our gullible livers enough alcohol to clean our sputum-stained Moresby pavements. They scatter wads of cash into the wind for our lazy hands to reach out and grab. And they provide a craved avenue for the dangerous release of sexual appetites.

They promise the world and paint their glorious portraits for a blind people. And like programmed droids we dance to their music, and scream their names loudly without quiet contemplation.

Do we not see the power we inherited? And do we not see the trail of decisions both good and bad, which starts with our pen and lasts five years?

Every five years they come down so low, and kiss their EMPLOYER's ass. We give them a superficial mandate to rule for all the nice feelings we got when they kissed away. And the next five their EMPLOYER kisses theirs. Blinded by shallow-mindedness their conscience doesn't even allow regret.

Off they go. Paupers become millionaires. Not because they worked hard but because they had the Employer's mandate to sign a document; and so they did...for the highest bidder with the thickest yellow envelope. And the Employer, the people, gets nothing or less than 20 per cent.

What makes us sell so cheaply such dear power? Like Esau his birthright for Jacob's broth, WE THE PEOPLE our votes for the politicians' kiss.

It takes a wise people to appoint a wise man. But fools will always choose one of their own.

In a few weeks..and maybe in the next five years...we shall again learn how wise THE PEOPLE are.

God Bless PNG.


Sent from R&G's iPhone

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