30 May 2012



The National, Thursday 30th May 2012


I HAVE always believed that laws, statutes, rules and regulations were devised to control the excesses of evil in society.  Laws were never intended to curb good behaviour because good people will always respect and abide by the law.  Evil, on the other hand, is only interested in destroying good and all it stands for, which is why we need laws to keep evil in check.

If not, evil will take over the land and our people will suffer greatly.

I am disheartened to watch the fight between parliament and the judiciary in the matter between Sir Michael Somare and Peter O'Neill.


We have a political impasse simply because one party is refusing to accept the court's interpretation of the Constitution.If you take the time to read the Constitution and the CPC Report 1974, which is the basis upon which the Constitution was derived, you would understand why the Supreme Court ruled the way it did.  It did not rule because it favoured Sir Michael.

On the contrary, it ruled because that is what the Constitution says.


The Constitution is the armour that protects us from evil; let us not destroy our armour.

Parliament has no authority to give itself powers as it is not expli­citly stated in the Constitution.

The Constitution is crystal clear on this matter in sections 10 and 11.

The exercise of power by our leaders also must be tempered with great responsibility.

I call on O'Neill and his supporters to respect the court's decision.


Sorry gentlemen, you were wrong and you have been found out.


It takes a great man to admit he was wrong and an even greater leader to do the same.

O'Neill, are you that man?I also call on Sir Michael to concede that the majority of MPs have aligned itself against you and have disregarded the Constitution to do what they have done. Sir Michael, you have nothing left to prove, you have been to the highest heights and I do not see how anyone in this generation will match your political achievements in this country. I ask both parties to be responsible in this matter and to do the right thing to restore and preserve the integrity of our judicial system.


This nation must be ruled on the basis of law and not the whims of a few proud men. Our judges do not have a choice in this matter, they must defend the Constitution; they cannot make rulings outside of that. We cannot attack them for doing their job.


If we are going to be leaders, let us be leaders who aspire to seek the truth and compete to do great things, let us not be bound by our own desires and reduce ourselves to competition to see who can do the most negative things.


I ask you all to declare a truce and respect the rulings of the court in upholding the Constitution.

Both sides will have an opportunity to form a new government in eight weeks time and only the Constitution provides the bedrock for this process to happen.

If we continue to erode the Constitution, then on what basis will the new government be formed?


Allan Bird


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