02 May 2012

A Birthday Prayer


(penned this on my birthday but didn't post it. Never too late!)

Dear Lord.

For April 17 onwards I ask for no more twists in my country. If You would kindly convict us and our leaders of our wrongdoings, and humble us so we can accept the course of the law, and submit to the rule of law (which originates in YOU), I'd love that.

Give strength, courage and wisdom to those who make a stand for righteousness and justice. Protect the citizens of this country...from enemies foreign and domestic. Convict the policeman who's loyalty to the Constitution may have been drowned by a temporary delight supplied by a selfish master. The last thing we need is ruthless men in uniforms...fully armed. Help us to have the good sense not to fight among ourselves, so that we can discern the real enemy and defeat it.

I'd also appreciate it if You would restore this nation's sense of direction. We're becoming terribly lost as our leaders seem so lost and drunk with the toxins of power and greed; not knowing where to take us. I remember Jesus rejecting an offer of power over all nations, from the devil. I wish my leaders had a fraction of Jesus' courage and dignity. Is that too much to ask? Raise those kinds for this country. Perhaps we fit Jesus' description of the lost Jewish people in His day, we "are like sheep without a shepherd". But You are the Good Shepherd, please find us and guide us home.

I have a clue that the type of leaders you allow are a reflection of either the sinfulness or the righteousness of the people. Maybe WE THE PEOPLE need to change eh? Yes, Help us.

Thank you for the gift of life, family, friends, my woman and a great country. I really don't need anything else. Above all I have You. But there's people out there who don't know you and it would be great if You'd find a way to make them turn to You.

Help the Church to point them to You.

Speaking of the Church please wake us up. Help us see how we can better serve this world/nation with Your Word and with Godly wisdom. Help us to pray and give us some motivation for it. Help the church leaders provide the leadership that this nation so desperately longs for. Unite the Church.

Help the Fathers of the multitude of homes to lead their families well. Increase faithful, loving fathers to impact our nation through the citizens that they house in their homes. As you know stats show that "fatherless" homes produce wayward children and bad citizenry, so help fathers lead well. Thanks for the Amazing Grace on families that are fatherless yet have great children. Bless and strengthen the single mothers who work tirelessly and prayerfully for them.

There's so much that's wrong about our country. But there's also so much that's going right. I ask that the good and the right would significantly overcome the wrong and the bad. I'm sure if WE THE PEOPLE helped out it would make your job a bit easier.

Bless and keep our country from chaos and bloodshed. And may we not become slaves in our own land...

God Bless PNG


Sent from R&G's iPhone

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