By G
See how we've turned morality on its head?
"Oh but it's the system you see not the man
He can't help but go down south instead
He can't help it, the system forced his hand"
You know I think it's all bullocks!
I see good men resist "the system"
Standing fast on principles strong as rocks
No. Sinking men are those who stand on sand
See great academics gun down their woman's lover
And more fail miserably
To maintain marital fidelity
And still others abuse their women with masculine power
See how babies are popped out everywhere?
By young souls, who know not good parenting?
See the young man pop one in the oven,
Yet not wanting to be the husband?
See that crowd over there, the disrespectful one?
They comfort themselves; they all do it some
Carried by the tide of vice and immorality
A fallible ideal the end of which they cannot see
Watch how we fail to define morality
Wrong or right so long as our heart is content
"So long as I don't pay the price for this"
Guiltlessly immoral, innocent intent
How can the one system produce both good and bad?
Surely those who choose well choose by divine power
To resist that which others have not resisted
To refuse to reduce their dignity any lower
See how we've diluted our moral code?
How God-less we would rather have this guide?
We decide what's right and what's not
If we choose to we can let whatever slide
"Chip 'em off those Godly concerns!
Our laws needn't such transcending restraints
Those intolerable overbearing God-breathed measures
They need not confine our good pleasures"
Where then does it end?
How do we know when to stop chipping?
Is there pleasant end for a Godless morality?
Is there truly such "heavenly" liberty?
"None sirs!", I humbly submit
At the end of such a tunnel there is no light
There is chaos, because everyone is doing it
Each one what himself thinks is Right!
Such is our Godless "morality" headed...
Doomed for irreverent death
We each sing our frivol song
And when dead how sad we shall find...
We were simply wrong...
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