23 November 2011

Shredding the Spirit of our Nation

By Ganjiki

I’m depressed
I see them shred our Constitution on every side
I turn to the right, to the left, I see they’ve lied
Interpret it selfishly
Apply it abusively
Change it recklessly

I see us constantly using its letter to destroy its spirit
My heart bleeds, as it loses its feet
Oh Narakobi, you must be turning in your grave?!
See how we lose ourselves in these ideas the white man gave?
That Melanesian Way you tried to help us see?
It’s drowned out in our modern humanity

I’m confused. Why can’t they see??
It’s right there; look and let it be!
The spirit of our Nation, our Sovereignty
Our guide no longer has a heart
They ripped it out that vital part

How can we who can’t define ourselves,
Expect to stop this rotting mess?
How can we of a thousand tongues,
Claim basic conscience on which all hangs?

That dear House standing on a Hill
Ruled by a master who does not yield
To this dear Mama Lo, our Nation’s Word
He rules by his chair, if only he had his sword...

I see more chairs, carrying worthless bodies
Puppets who love to tickle our ears
They put on a show and the world laughs
I hang my head in shame...in my fathers’ house?

I see good men fall, respect tumbles
Integrity sold, no longer humbles
I see good women...no I don’t see them
So now they stake their claim

Momis please make a stand, give us sight
Tell us we’re not doing this right
Tell us we need to talk to the people
Isn’t that what you did when you wrote the fundamental?

Leave that Document alone
Let it guide us, I say
Stand by its spirit
It’ll show the way...

God Bless Papua New Guinea...


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