(I received a few writings of one of our leading thinkers and thought it’d be nice for you fellow Patriots to hear from him. Enjoy.)
By Kumalau Tawali
I begin with these powerful words I learnt when I was at the University of Papua New Guinea in 1969, “AS I AM, SO IS MY NATION”. The way you think, the way you talk, and the way you act in spirit is the way this nation is going to be. The way I walk down the village or in the city is the answer for our people, now and the future. The challenges for our nation is our thinking and living. Your pride, greed or lying will determine the future of our people. So let me guve these words to encourage us now.
1. The Power of Love
The real leader must truly love your people with all your heart. There seems to be many leaders who never truly serve the people. Greed for example, is the destruction of our daily living. Gandhi said, “Civilisation does not consist in accumulation of things, but rather in the reduction of wants.” Just before World War II, Dr. Frank Buchman said these words: “There is enough in the world for everybody’s need, but not enough for everybody’s greed. If everybody cares enough and everybody shares enough, wouldn’t everybody have enough? Empty hands are filled with work, empty stomachs are filled with food and empty hearts with an idea that truly satisfies.”
One of the challenges of our leaders today, is that of destroying the spirit of greed, an enemy in our nation.
2. The Power of Humility
A true leader is a man of great humility. He is willing to listen to others before he speaks. His presence itself is authority of power. Jesus Christ the Greatest Teacher who ever lived magnified the virtue of humility when he said, “The meek and lowly are fortunate, for the whole wide world belongs to them”. The Apostle Paul said, “Don’t do anything from selfish ambitions or from cheap desires to boast, but be humble towards one another, always consider others better than yourselves.” It was the meek spirit of Gandhi that precipitated the Independence of India. A President of Uganda stated “Humility is one of the most important attributes necessary for good leaders. When you observe leaders at all levels of society, all over Africa, and I suppose throughout the world, you will find them overcome by power, greed and self interests.”
Without the spirit of humility, our people will destroy our nation.
3. The Power of Truth
My own life tells me, that there is neither small nor big sin, whether it has to do with the Prime Minister or other MPs or anyone in our nation. One of our writers, Bernard Narakobi expressed, “No leader who is full of cunning and trickery, will have the charisma that will inspire people to want to make sacrifices.” A well known poet from the West Indies, Aime Cesaire warned of this danger when he said, “A civilisation that uses its principles of trickery and deceit is a dying civilisation.” To be a true leader, truth is most important both individually as well as the nation. Truth is the foundation of our national existence. A nation cannot continue to enjoy freedom and prosperity without truth being practiced by all sections of its community. As someone said “You cannot live crooked and think straight.” A corrupt churchman, businessman, or politician is most likely, unable to think straight on matters of public concern. Truly one cannot live a crooked private life and expect to think clearly on public issues. What is done in darkness of our own private lives will one day be shouted from the rooftop. “AS I AM SO IS MY NATION”
I cry that the God I love, will give great hope to our nation.
Change Starts With Me!
29 November 2010
11 November 2010
Firstly let me say that Patriots PNG is not a political activist organisation. It is a movement focused on promoting patriotism and attitude change. Our fundamental message is for “WE THE PEOPLE” to change from within. We do not divert from our commitment to steer clear of politics unless we see a need to engage and only in a manner consistent with PPNG’s philosophy of change. We are pro-truth and pro-morality and see ourselves as proponents of our National Identity. To the extent that our nation’s laws/policies touch the mindset, moral direction and attitudes of our beloved people, we will speak when we perceive harm to these from both foreign and local elements. Now on the issue of reviews to our “sex laws” in PNG, potentially legitimising homosexuality and prostitution, we say this:
It is absolutely absurd and shameful that Papua New Guinea, a “Christian Country”, is now considering laws that directly contravene the supreme laws of the God we believe in. It is unimaginable that our leaders could even have these laws on the table (but then sadly it is not surprising). Who are we? Where is our identity? Why do we think that the problems we face in our nation cannot be solved by home-grown solutions in the Spirit of our Nation? Why do we always have to adopt a western materialistic philosophy and force it on a people whose spirituality is fundamental to our identity?
Are we not ashamed to even consider calling what God says is evil, “a legitimate practice”? “LET GOD BE TRUE AND EVERY MAN A LIAR”. That’s how His own Word describes man’s philosophy compared to His. And now our best argument is that of “social and public health perspectives” and to “strengthen PNG’s response to HIV/AIDS”? What about truth, morality, inner peace, human dignity and self-respect? What about family values? Let’s not forget our sanity. Are these not vital compared to material, economic and democratic values (which are designed for man, by man and of man)?
Our Nation’s Constitution sets out two important things which we bring to our lawmakers’ attention in respect of this issue: (1) It provides a National Goal for “Papua New Guinean Ways” (NGDP 5); and (2) it proclaims as the first Basic Social Obligation of every resident in PNG to “to respect, and to act in the spirit of this Constitution”. Are these potential laws we now contemplate within the ambit of “PNG Ways”? Aren’t we breaching our first duty by considering laws that effectively make us another people? Acting in the spirit of our Constitution means striving for the PNG Way, adhering to “Christian principles that are ours now” and protecting our dignity. This is an integral part of our national identity—and hence our personal identity.
Every single true PNGean within the sphere of influence of the reviews must search him/herself. Recall his/her true identity and resolve never to compromise it. To you who are in that sphere: TAKE NO PART IN MAKING THESE LAWS A REALITY. For in these potential laws we will surely lose ourselves. And without an identity everything else, even our survival, is utterly meaningless.
Ganjiki D Wayne
It is absolutely absurd and shameful that Papua New Guinea, a “Christian Country”, is now considering laws that directly contravene the supreme laws of the God we believe in. It is unimaginable that our leaders could even have these laws on the table (but then sadly it is not surprising). Who are we? Where is our identity? Why do we think that the problems we face in our nation cannot be solved by home-grown solutions in the Spirit of our Nation? Why do we always have to adopt a western materialistic philosophy and force it on a people whose spirituality is fundamental to our identity?
Are we not ashamed to even consider calling what God says is evil, “a legitimate practice”? “LET GOD BE TRUE AND EVERY MAN A LIAR”. That’s how His own Word describes man’s philosophy compared to His. And now our best argument is that of “social and public health perspectives” and to “strengthen PNG’s response to HIV/AIDS”? What about truth, morality, inner peace, human dignity and self-respect? What about family values? Let’s not forget our sanity. Are these not vital compared to material, economic and democratic values (which are designed for man, by man and of man)?
Our Nation’s Constitution sets out two important things which we bring to our lawmakers’ attention in respect of this issue: (1) It provides a National Goal for “Papua New Guinean Ways” (NGDP 5); and (2) it proclaims as the first Basic Social Obligation of every resident in PNG to “to respect, and to act in the spirit of this Constitution”. Are these potential laws we now contemplate within the ambit of “PNG Ways”? Aren’t we breaching our first duty by considering laws that effectively make us another people? Acting in the spirit of our Constitution means striving for the PNG Way, adhering to “Christian principles that are ours now” and protecting our dignity. This is an integral part of our national identity—and hence our personal identity.
Every single true PNGean within the sphere of influence of the reviews must search him/herself. Recall his/her true identity and resolve never to compromise it. To you who are in that sphere: TAKE NO PART IN MAKING THESE LAWS A REALITY. For in these potential laws we will surely lose ourselves. And without an identity everything else, even our survival, is utterly meaningless.
Ganjiki D Wayne
01 November 2010
Are We Any Better??
This morning on way to work a young man among the crowd was suspected of picking a pocket and was beat up. People hurled verbal abuses on him, cursing his very existence and condemning him to hell. I struggled to let out similar words as I remembered my own failures: my own robbing of others and violation of the law. Here we were condemning a young man for doing what most of us were practically doing.. Are we really any better than him?! We put on our fancy clothes; go to our fancy jobs and in the evening we lie on comfortable beds after a hearty meal.
Along the way we’d chew our buai and colour the pavement up a bit. We’d pay half the required bus-fare, then in a bus or in private cars we’d run the red light 10 seconds after it’d turned; we get paid a full day’s pay for a 2-hour presence, we’d cut some cues to be served ahead of others, we’d litter on the streets, smoke in busses whilst sitting next to mother and baby; and not being guilty of the above, we remain silent against those who are...
We hurl our criticism on a government lacking in patriotism, at the Kumuls n Pepes for a lacklustre performance, at our disciplined forces for human rights violations and ill-discipline, at the petty criminal for being a nuisance to society...
But are we so INNOCENT? Are the wrongs WE commit against country and countrymen so insignificant? Do we not affect others by our thoughts, words and deeds? Can we not see beyond the blue smoke of our cigarettes; of the buai spittle once it leaves our mouths? Do we not realise our duty towards one another and towards our country? We’re all endowed with an inalienable duty.
COME...............LET US CHANGE.....
This morning on way to work a young man among the crowd was suspected of picking a pocket and was beat up. People hurled verbal abuses on him, cursing his very existence and condemning him to hell. I struggled to let out similar words as I remembered my own failures: my own robbing of others and violation of the law. Here we were condemning a young man for doing what most of us were practically doing.. Are we really any better than him?! We put on our fancy clothes; go to our fancy jobs and in the evening we lie on comfortable beds after a hearty meal.
Along the way we’d chew our buai and colour the pavement up a bit. We’d pay half the required bus-fare, then in a bus or in private cars we’d run the red light 10 seconds after it’d turned; we get paid a full day’s pay for a 2-hour presence, we’d cut some cues to be served ahead of others, we’d litter on the streets, smoke in busses whilst sitting next to mother and baby; and not being guilty of the above, we remain silent against those who are...
We hurl our criticism on a government lacking in patriotism, at the Kumuls n Pepes for a lacklustre performance, at our disciplined forces for human rights violations and ill-discipline, at the petty criminal for being a nuisance to society...
But are we so INNOCENT? Are the wrongs WE commit against country and countrymen so insignificant? Do we not affect others by our thoughts, words and deeds? Can we not see beyond the blue smoke of our cigarettes; of the buai spittle once it leaves our mouths? Do we not realise our duty towards one another and towards our country? We’re all endowed with an inalienable duty.
COME...............LET US CHANGE.....
12 October 2010
PNG Growing Up...
In light of the recent tribal and ethnic fights (& killings) around the country, I just thought I’d share a thought. The problem of regionalism is not the only reason for the violence going on. But the major challenge in us Papua New Guineans is our EMOTIONAL IMMATURITY.
Unfortunately in PNG very little or no progress is made in the emotional growth of the majority. From my (unscientific) assessment I think most PNGeans have emotional levels equal to that of toddlers. That’s why we react more with how we feel rather than logic and reason. That’s why the educated elite still fight in towns like their brethren in the village. We throw tamper tantrums, feats, sulk, seek revenge foolishly and basically do WHATEVER WE FEEL AT ANY MOMENT without consideration of others—of course with the adult twist!
This may be a tough assessment of ourselves but I think we must confront such problems in ourselves in order to advance our attitudes.
Next time you’re faced with a choice. STOP AND THINK. Are you reacting according to your feeling or responding according to reason and logic? The sooner we shift the basis of our decisions from FEELINGS to REASON then the sooner we’ll establish peace between our tribes, provinces and regions. And give UNITY a chance…
EMOTIONAL MATURITY is being in charge of your emotions rather than the other way around.
Heavenise Week!
“Inspiring Change”
In light of the recent tribal and ethnic fights (& killings) around the country, I just thought I’d share a thought. The problem of regionalism is not the only reason for the violence going on. But the major challenge in us Papua New Guineans is our EMOTIONAL IMMATURITY.
Unfortunately in PNG very little or no progress is made in the emotional growth of the majority. From my (unscientific) assessment I think most PNGeans have emotional levels equal to that of toddlers. That’s why we react more with how we feel rather than logic and reason. That’s why the educated elite still fight in towns like their brethren in the village. We throw tamper tantrums, feats, sulk, seek revenge foolishly and basically do WHATEVER WE FEEL AT ANY MOMENT without consideration of others—of course with the adult twist!
This may be a tough assessment of ourselves but I think we must confront such problems in ourselves in order to advance our attitudes.
Next time you’re faced with a choice. STOP AND THINK. Are you reacting according to your feeling or responding according to reason and logic? The sooner we shift the basis of our decisions from FEELINGS to REASON then the sooner we’ll establish peace between our tribes, provinces and regions. And give UNITY a chance…
EMOTIONAL MATURITY is being in charge of your emotions rather than the other way around.
Heavenise Week!
“Inspiring Change”
15 September 2010
Dear Patriots
As we move into Celebration mode marking our Nation’s 35th Independent Anniversary, I would like to make an appeal I guess I will make every Independence Day.
Our celebrations and donning of our beautiful colours is all very good. During this period we are awakened to the reality of the greatness and beauty of our nation. We are proud and united and loyal and will defend this nation with our lives on…really??
I repeat a challenge that I posed last year: Consider young lady looking squarely into the eyes of her excited and anticipating lover. She asks him this one thing: “WILL YOU STILL LOVE ME IN THE MORNING??”
Imagine a nation so longing for the love of its people to be demonstrated not just on the date of its birth but on every other day. Longing for a real dedication that goes beyond the colouring and the singing. In the analogy of the lover many PNGeans, come September 16, are only lusty lovers looking to satisfy our own selfish desires to party and simply have a good time. But at the end of the day or the morning after we go on living our selfish lives contributing very little or nothing good to our country. We spit on her, litter on her, steal from her purse; blatantly ignoring her plea for us to remain in a mode where our attention is genuinely dedicated to her. She longs for the steady and simple acts of love from her people every day and not just one big POP! per year. A steady and tranquil patriotism expressed in good citizenship…
When you celebrate the EXISTENCE of this Nation ask yourself “WHY??” “Why am I celebrating?” “Why do I care that on this date my nation was born??”
Remind yourself that come September 17, “I will still be a true and constant patriot”. I hope that like me you will make an Independence Day Resolution that “FOR MY COUNTRY’S SAKE I WILL BE A BETTER CITIZEN TODAY MORE THAN YESTERDAY”…and repeat that resolution every other day the rest of the year…maybe the rest of YOUR years??
I love this country. My love for this country demands that I call up more patriots who will truly love this country beyond September 16.
Happy Independence and God Bless Papua New Guinea.
Ganjiki D Wayne
Patriots PNG Inc.
As we move into Celebration mode marking our Nation’s 35th Independent Anniversary, I would like to make an appeal I guess I will make every Independence Day.
Our celebrations and donning of our beautiful colours is all very good. During this period we are awakened to the reality of the greatness and beauty of our nation. We are proud and united and loyal and will defend this nation with our lives on…really??
I repeat a challenge that I posed last year: Consider young lady looking squarely into the eyes of her excited and anticipating lover. She asks him this one thing: “WILL YOU STILL LOVE ME IN THE MORNING??”
Imagine a nation so longing for the love of its people to be demonstrated not just on the date of its birth but on every other day. Longing for a real dedication that goes beyond the colouring and the singing. In the analogy of the lover many PNGeans, come September 16, are only lusty lovers looking to satisfy our own selfish desires to party and simply have a good time. But at the end of the day or the morning after we go on living our selfish lives contributing very little or nothing good to our country. We spit on her, litter on her, steal from her purse; blatantly ignoring her plea for us to remain in a mode where our attention is genuinely dedicated to her. She longs for the steady and simple acts of love from her people every day and not just one big POP! per year. A steady and tranquil patriotism expressed in good citizenship…
When you celebrate the EXISTENCE of this Nation ask yourself “WHY??” “Why am I celebrating?” “Why do I care that on this date my nation was born??”
Remind yourself that come September 17, “I will still be a true and constant patriot”. I hope that like me you will make an Independence Day Resolution that “FOR MY COUNTRY’S SAKE I WILL BE A BETTER CITIZEN TODAY MORE THAN YESTERDAY”…and repeat that resolution every other day the rest of the year…maybe the rest of YOUR years??
I love this country. My love for this country demands that I call up more patriots who will truly love this country beyond September 16.
Happy Independence and God Bless Papua New Guinea.
Ganjiki D Wayne
Patriots PNG Inc.
21 August 2010
Change is in our hands
When I was in college I witnessed many a good expression of concern bout the country from the ‘elites’. Expressions of anger and disgust at the blatant corruption in our government came from many lips. When we had the two unrests of our time patriotic outburst proceeded in our gatherings. Orators were always available to stir the hearts and minds of other students to rise to stand against an “injustice”.
From those same lips on other days I heard loud cursing and profanity. I watched the unbridled chewing and spitting of beetlenut all over the campus pavements and the busstop…from those same lips. Those same hands lifted up against a macro-injustice would vandalise property, toss rubbish cans, paint aliases on toilet walls, litter freely. Drunk and disorderly, ethnic differences and poor sportsmanship on weekends resulted in ethnic wars--from the ‘cream of the crop’ in a place that literally meant ‘unity in diversity’. I watched the abuse of women by this nation’s elites and wondered if our college education ever helped us appreciate the value and dignity of women.
Our definition of corruption extended to everything apart from ourselves. It rested on the bureaucracy and the politician but not on who you and I are. We seemed immune and yet there were not more darker hearts and minds than those supposedly more “enlightened”. We were hypocrites. And we still are (yes me too!). With our left hand we wish for change and progress. With our right we destroy it. Obviously one hand is more powerful.
MJ’s “Man in the Mirror” sums it up in our contemporary language. But throughout eternity the ever-applicable formula for change of any society first came from the SOURCE Himself in Whom no hypocrisy is found:
“YOU HYPOCRITE, first remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.” ~Jesus
Senisim Pasin, Senisim PNG!
God Bless Papua New Guinea
From those same lips on other days I heard loud cursing and profanity. I watched the unbridled chewing and spitting of beetlenut all over the campus pavements and the busstop…from those same lips. Those same hands lifted up against a macro-injustice would vandalise property, toss rubbish cans, paint aliases on toilet walls, litter freely. Drunk and disorderly, ethnic differences and poor sportsmanship on weekends resulted in ethnic wars--from the ‘cream of the crop’ in a place that literally meant ‘unity in diversity’. I watched the abuse of women by this nation’s elites and wondered if our college education ever helped us appreciate the value and dignity of women.
Our definition of corruption extended to everything apart from ourselves. It rested on the bureaucracy and the politician but not on who you and I are. We seemed immune and yet there were not more darker hearts and minds than those supposedly more “enlightened”. We were hypocrites. And we still are (yes me too!). With our left hand we wish for change and progress. With our right we destroy it. Obviously one hand is more powerful.
MJ’s “Man in the Mirror” sums it up in our contemporary language. But throughout eternity the ever-applicable formula for change of any society first came from the SOURCE Himself in Whom no hypocrisy is found:
“YOU HYPOCRITE, first remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.” ~Jesus
Senisim Pasin, Senisim PNG!
God Bless Papua New Guinea
20 August 2010
Dia Patriots!
Mi ting olsem bai mi raitim dis'la toksave lo tokpisin. Mi save olsem yupla olgeta save lo tokspisin so em bai orait…
Lo makim maus blo President Henry Osembo na ol narap'la lidaman na meri blo Patriots PNG mi laik tok bikpela tenkyu lo yupla ol memba na u husait sa’ salim tok hamamas na sapot lo wok blo PPNG. Dis'la grup em no wanpla fb grup nating. Em trutru Asosiasen o grup i wok long mekim trutru wok i go het long kamapim senis lo PNG (ino lo intanet tasol). As tingting blo grup em long helpim yumi yet ol pipol blo PNG lo laikim kantri blo yumi trutru long bel na tingting na ino lo maus o bilas tasol. Na long helpim yumi long sensim pasin. Sapos yumi senisim pasin bai kantri blo yumi senis trutru.
Dis'la no wanpla isi wok. Bel na tingting blo man em yu yet gat pawa long senisim (yu yet wantaim God). Wok blo PPNG em long soim (1) sampla asua blo yumi oslem pipol blo PNG, (2) sampla as blo senis na (3) sampl rot o wei we yumi ken senis. Em ken soim ol disla samting tasol sait blo senis trutru em stap lo yumi wanwan. Sapos yu no lukim nid lo senis bai yu les lo wokim wanpla senis. Olsem na mipla laik kamapim sampla wei lo soim yumi olgeta PNG manmeri long ol dis'la nid blo senis.
Planti grup ol wokim planti gutpla wok long PNG lo senisim kantri blo yumi. Tasol lo sait blo strongim toktok blo senisim pasin em nogat planti grup i stap. Patriots PNG em kamap long dispela wanpela as tasol. Yumi no politikol ektivist, or charity grup. As tingting blo PPNG em lo bungim ol yumi pipol blo PNG long lukluk lo senisim pasin.
Lo pinis mi tok tenkyu gen lo sapot blo yupla ol fb memba blo PPNG. Sapot blo yupla i save helpim mipla bikpla stret lo go mo long disla wokabaut.
Tenk yu na God i ken Blesim Papua Niugini!
Mi ting olsem bai mi raitim dis'la toksave lo tokpisin. Mi save olsem yupla olgeta save lo tokspisin so em bai orait…
Lo makim maus blo President Henry Osembo na ol narap'la lidaman na meri blo Patriots PNG mi laik tok bikpela tenkyu lo yupla ol memba na u husait sa’ salim tok hamamas na sapot lo wok blo PPNG. Dis'la grup em no wanpla fb grup nating. Em trutru Asosiasen o grup i wok long mekim trutru wok i go het long kamapim senis lo PNG (ino lo intanet tasol). As tingting blo grup em long helpim yumi yet ol pipol blo PNG lo laikim kantri blo yumi trutru long bel na tingting na ino lo maus o bilas tasol. Na long helpim yumi long sensim pasin. Sapos yumi senisim pasin bai kantri blo yumi senis trutru.
Dis'la no wanpla isi wok. Bel na tingting blo man em yu yet gat pawa long senisim (yu yet wantaim God). Wok blo PPNG em long soim (1) sampla asua blo yumi oslem pipol blo PNG, (2) sampla as blo senis na (3) sampl rot o wei we yumi ken senis. Em ken soim ol disla samting tasol sait blo senis trutru em stap lo yumi wanwan. Sapos yu no lukim nid lo senis bai yu les lo wokim wanpla senis. Olsem na mipla laik kamapim sampla wei lo soim yumi olgeta PNG manmeri long ol dis'la nid blo senis.
Planti grup ol wokim planti gutpla wok long PNG lo senisim kantri blo yumi. Tasol lo sait blo strongim toktok blo senisim pasin em nogat planti grup i stap. Patriots PNG em kamap long dispela wanpela as tasol. Yumi no politikol ektivist, or charity grup. As tingting blo PPNG em lo bungim ol yumi pipol blo PNG long lukluk lo senisim pasin.
Lo pinis mi tok tenkyu gen lo sapot blo yupla ol fb memba blo PPNG. Sapot blo yupla i save helpim mipla bikpla stret lo go mo long disla wokabaut.
Tenk yu na God i ken Blesim Papua Niugini!
13 August 2010
Hi Patriots!
Max De Pree writes in his book LEADERSHIP IS AN ART, these words: "The corporation can never be something we are not".
Its true for the nation as well. Our Nation can never be something we the people are not. We cannot demand that our nation be progressive, and less corrupt if we are not willing to take step in that direction. (Of course it takes leadership to get the people to move in that direction but that’s something for another post)
Our Constitution opens with the words "WE THE PEOPLE". Not only does that phrase provide the basis for our democracy and the power of governance; in my view it prophetically puts down RESPONSIBILITY on the shoulder of WE THE PEOPLE OF PAPUA NEW GUINEA. Ultimately WE THE PEOPLE are responsible for either the demise or the prosperity of our country. No matter how much we yell and scream that some foreign power, people or element is driving us into the ground, it is Us, you and me, that really stand in the way of this country's greatness.
You may not identify with that unless you appreciate that you and I, carry the weight as integral parts of "WE THE PEOPLE".
Effectively what this all means is YOU and I, since we are the Obstacles to this country's progress, are the most potent SOLUTION for its progress. Only when we accept that We are the Problem, can we move on and BECOME the Solution. Without knowing this truth the majority of us automatically remain national liabilities.
Take some time to think bout how your actions or inaction affect the progress of our country. A politician may toss a million bucks in a year down the drain. But if 6 million people each toss a kina a day...?
God Bless PNG!
Max De Pree writes in his book LEADERSHIP IS AN ART, these words: "The corporation can never be something we are not".
Its true for the nation as well. Our Nation can never be something we the people are not. We cannot demand that our nation be progressive, and less corrupt if we are not willing to take step in that direction. (Of course it takes leadership to get the people to move in that direction but that’s something for another post)
Our Constitution opens with the words "WE THE PEOPLE". Not only does that phrase provide the basis for our democracy and the power of governance; in my view it prophetically puts down RESPONSIBILITY on the shoulder of WE THE PEOPLE OF PAPUA NEW GUINEA. Ultimately WE THE PEOPLE are responsible for either the demise or the prosperity of our country. No matter how much we yell and scream that some foreign power, people or element is driving us into the ground, it is Us, you and me, that really stand in the way of this country's greatness.
You may not identify with that unless you appreciate that you and I, carry the weight as integral parts of "WE THE PEOPLE".
Effectively what this all means is YOU and I, since we are the Obstacles to this country's progress, are the most potent SOLUTION for its progress. Only when we accept that We are the Problem, can we move on and BECOME the Solution. Without knowing this truth the majority of us automatically remain national liabilities.
Take some time to think bout how your actions or inaction affect the progress of our country. A politician may toss a million bucks in a year down the drain. But if 6 million people each toss a kina a day...?
God Bless PNG!
02 August 2010
Sensual Pictures on our dailies do not help our Moral Landscape
Here's a copy of a letter I sent to the two dailies and a weekly. I dont know if they'll publish it. Anyway...
To Post Courier,
I'm disappointed at your recent front/back-page pictures, latest being Friday 30/07/10, in which you clearly subscribe to the Western marketing philosophy of ‘sex-sells’. Both dailies are guilty of this but more so the Post Courier.
Its quite clear now that the dailies not intend to protect this country but to exploit it. How? By providing news that ride on the emotions of the people (and in fact you super-size it!) so that we buy your paper. Then you show pictures of half-naked women so that all the men would buy it and expand our imaginations (and your sales). What’s with the topless Tapioca dancers, the netball players' bare thighs and now the Brazillian bare-bottoms? I cannot think of anything more hypocritical than your current methods of selling papers. You speak against crime and corruption yet you show complete lack of understanding (or maybe you do but deliberately ignore it) of where all these evils start: THE MIND. And the door to the mind is the eye. You provide an initial source of filth, lust and greed and unbridled passion. When we act on it by raping, stealling, killing, rioting you make a report of it and sell even more papers. Free speech; free expression; free press? These are concepts you exploit to facilitate your market.
WE are an ancient people of decency, respect, dignity and communal harmony. The West has slowly moved into our country through the media. It has caused us to change our values. From self-respect, dignity and true love for family and community to materialism and selfish pursuit of pleasure. Look to the West and see the filth and immorality. Do we want that for our beloved Papua New Guinea? Corruption starts with little gradual steps. First a bare knee and a tight skirt; then a bare thigh and some bellybutton. Now you have Brazilians with tiny garments barely covering the essentials. Knowing the way men are wired we soon want fewer garments on the women. Porn is born. We let the mind loose; becoming less satisfied with our wives or impatient because we don’t have one yet. Promiscuity increase as well as AIDS and sexual crimes. Yes of course we should have self-control. But just because we should does not give you the right to bombard us with filth that pushes our control to the limits.
If the dailies want to change this country? Then encourage proper standards of morality and decency. Or the least you could do is NOT contribute to the decay with your sensual publications. If you cannot, do not speak against corruption; for you are becoming the fountain of it.
To Post Courier,
I'm disappointed at your recent front/back-page pictures, latest being Friday 30/07/10, in which you clearly subscribe to the Western marketing philosophy of ‘sex-sells’. Both dailies are guilty of this but more so the Post Courier.
Its quite clear now that the dailies not intend to protect this country but to exploit it. How? By providing news that ride on the emotions of the people (and in fact you super-size it!) so that we buy your paper. Then you show pictures of half-naked women so that all the men would buy it and expand our imaginations (and your sales). What’s with the topless Tapioca dancers, the netball players' bare thighs and now the Brazillian bare-bottoms? I cannot think of anything more hypocritical than your current methods of selling papers. You speak against crime and corruption yet you show complete lack of understanding (or maybe you do but deliberately ignore it) of where all these evils start: THE MIND. And the door to the mind is the eye. You provide an initial source of filth, lust and greed and unbridled passion. When we act on it by raping, stealling, killing, rioting you make a report of it and sell even more papers. Free speech; free expression; free press? These are concepts you exploit to facilitate your market.
WE are an ancient people of decency, respect, dignity and communal harmony. The West has slowly moved into our country through the media. It has caused us to change our values. From self-respect, dignity and true love for family and community to materialism and selfish pursuit of pleasure. Look to the West and see the filth and immorality. Do we want that for our beloved Papua New Guinea? Corruption starts with little gradual steps. First a bare knee and a tight skirt; then a bare thigh and some bellybutton. Now you have Brazilians with tiny garments barely covering the essentials. Knowing the way men are wired we soon want fewer garments on the women. Porn is born. We let the mind loose; becoming less satisfied with our wives or impatient because we don’t have one yet. Promiscuity increase as well as AIDS and sexual crimes. Yes of course we should have self-control. But just because we should does not give you the right to bombard us with filth that pushes our control to the limits.
If the dailies want to change this country? Then encourage proper standards of morality and decency. Or the least you could do is NOT contribute to the decay with your sensual publications. If you cannot, do not speak against corruption; for you are becoming the fountain of it.
07 July 2010
Hey Patriots
CONGRATULATIONS to Madang on the very innovative and well organized protest march held last week. Madang is coming alive with patriots who do not want to sit down and allow our Nation to go to the dogs. That town has a lot of lessons for the rest of PNG. PPI leaders just got back from there and it is truly amazing what is going on and the change of mindset that the people are experiencing. WELL DONE MADANG!
But please do not stop there. I humbly encourage you all to not stop at the point of raising our voice and being heard. Let’s BE THE CHANGE. PPI has a concern for the politics in our nation yes. But it is more worried about the character and attitude of the People. You see currently in our political and bureaucratic sectors there are people who were passionate student activists of their time. But now they are the very ones making and/or executing decisions that are hurting our country.
WHY? Because in all the hype and excitement of protesting and going against a corrupt government, we gave little attention to developing an honest, noble, selfless character and attitude. And the little steps we could take to develop leadership quality and wisdom are ignored. Eventually, as we now see, when it comes to being leaders at the national level the only best quality on display is our ORATORY skill. But INTEGRITY, SELFLESSNESS, DEDICATION, LOYALTY, etc. are rare.
I say this humbly and with the greatest respect for all who are actively fighting our corrupt authorities. I and PPI are fully behind you! I am also fully aware of the potential I have of failing as a leader of this very organization and as a patriot of this great Nation.
When all is said and done it is our quiet consistent character as a people that will take this nation forward. Not necessarily our emotions or our ability to stimulate emotions at spontaneous moments.
God Bless and Heavenise Week!
CONGRATULATIONS to Madang on the very innovative and well organized protest march held last week. Madang is coming alive with patriots who do not want to sit down and allow our Nation to go to the dogs. That town has a lot of lessons for the rest of PNG. PPI leaders just got back from there and it is truly amazing what is going on and the change of mindset that the people are experiencing. WELL DONE MADANG!
But please do not stop there. I humbly encourage you all to not stop at the point of raising our voice and being heard. Let’s BE THE CHANGE. PPI has a concern for the politics in our nation yes. But it is more worried about the character and attitude of the People. You see currently in our political and bureaucratic sectors there are people who were passionate student activists of their time. But now they are the very ones making and/or executing decisions that are hurting our country.
WHY? Because in all the hype and excitement of protesting and going against a corrupt government, we gave little attention to developing an honest, noble, selfless character and attitude. And the little steps we could take to develop leadership quality and wisdom are ignored. Eventually, as we now see, when it comes to being leaders at the national level the only best quality on display is our ORATORY skill. But INTEGRITY, SELFLESSNESS, DEDICATION, LOYALTY, etc. are rare.
I say this humbly and with the greatest respect for all who are actively fighting our corrupt authorities. I and PPI are fully behind you! I am also fully aware of the potential I have of failing as a leader of this very organization and as a patriot of this great Nation.
When all is said and done it is our quiet consistent character as a people that will take this nation forward. Not necessarily our emotions or our ability to stimulate emotions at spontaneous moments.
God Bless and Heavenise Week!
05 July 2010
PPNG INC. was created to be a voice for change...but with a unique approach. It wasnt created to be an activist organisation but to approach change from the standpoint of attitude.
Its diagnoses of the problem with PNGeans is this: THERE IS A LACK OF PATRIOTISM CAUSING A CHRONIC ATTITUDE PROBLEM AND CORRUPTION. The problem is not the law, systems, procedures, etc. but a DEFICIENCY (in the people) of a real love for this country which could drive the people's to see and make change in the nation. For us this is a paramount consideration in advocating for change.
You see friends many of us would like to march the streets and demand a change in law or something external. But when it comes down to Change it must start from within in order to be sustainable. It must start in the heart...
If you asked if PPNG can lead activism against the current corruption and tyranny of government? Yes it can...but PPNG will not be compromising its Mission and will stick to its focus on rallying and inspiring the people to truly changing themselves in order to see a truly changed nation. Hence its approach will be different--activism for change within...
Heavenise Day!
Its diagnoses of the problem with PNGeans is this: THERE IS A LACK OF PATRIOTISM CAUSING A CHRONIC ATTITUDE PROBLEM AND CORRUPTION. The problem is not the law, systems, procedures, etc. but a DEFICIENCY (in the people) of a real love for this country which could drive the people's to see and make change in the nation. For us this is a paramount consideration in advocating for change.
You see friends many of us would like to march the streets and demand a change in law or something external. But when it comes down to Change it must start from within in order to be sustainable. It must start in the heart...
If you asked if PPNG can lead activism against the current corruption and tyranny of government? Yes it can...but PPNG will not be compromising its Mission and will stick to its focus on rallying and inspiring the people to truly changing themselves in order to see a truly changed nation. Hence its approach will be different--activism for change within...
Heavenise Day!
Hi Patriots,
I’ve probably mentioned a few times before about taking ownership but id like to make a brief mention again. (This cannot be mentioned enough)
PPNG is preaching change: not in laws, or systems, or government systems or economic strategies and the likes…but a change in the attitude of us the people of Papua New Guinea. The message is simple: EVERY PNGean holds the key to changing this country. We all need to take personal responsibility and make the change.
A classic story of building the nation is found in the Book of Nehemiah in the Bible. Nehemiah leads the people of Jerusalem in rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem. His leadership and the cooperation of the people leads to the task being completed in an unbelievable 52 days! Not even in our current superior technology could we build a wall around even a suburb as small as our NCD’s Ensisi Valley in that many days. How did they do it?? By the simple fact that every citizen and resident of Jerusalem took ownership and built the part of the wall that was just outside their house or within a close proximity. By the participation of every family regardless of their gender, profession the amazing feat was complete in 52 days!
I’ve probably mentioned a few times before about taking ownership but id like to make a brief mention again. (This cannot be mentioned enough)
PPNG is preaching change: not in laws, or systems, or government systems or economic strategies and the likes…but a change in the attitude of us the people of Papua New Guinea. The message is simple: EVERY PNGean holds the key to changing this country. We all need to take personal responsibility and make the change.
A classic story of building the nation is found in the Book of Nehemiah in the Bible. Nehemiah leads the people of Jerusalem in rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem. His leadership and the cooperation of the people leads to the task being completed in an unbelievable 52 days! Not even in our current superior technology could we build a wall around even a suburb as small as our NCD’s Ensisi Valley in that many days. How did they do it?? By the simple fact that every citizen and resident of Jerusalem took ownership and built the part of the wall that was just outside their house or within a close proximity. By the participation of every family regardless of their gender, profession the amazing feat was complete in 52 days!
Hi Patriot
Imagine if every PNGean had a sense of national responsibility. What if you and I and every next citizen just put our hands up and said “I AM PNG’s BIGGEST PROBLEM”…? Are we willing to say that?? Maybe not….
But here’s the irony of such a statement as that: only if you say that can you say the next thing: “THEREFORE I AM PNG’s BEST HOPE FOR CHANGE”…
You see PNG is not just the land, the sea, the rivers, the trees…Papua New Guinea is the PEOPLE. We established this Nation by saying “WE THE PEOPLE”...in the Constitution and in our Pledge.
If we could therefore say with every conviction in our hearts: “I AM PNG!!” then we will feel a sense of pride, patriotism, loyalty and true dedication to it. Only then will we take personal responsibility for this great country of ours! Only then will we deliberately do the little things to add value to PNG, and avoid the other little things that destroy it….And only then can “Change (really) Start With Me”….
God Bless Papua New Guinea…
Fellow Patriot
(Change Starts With Me)
Imagine if every PNGean had a sense of national responsibility. What if you and I and every next citizen just put our hands up and said “I AM PNG’s BIGGEST PROBLEM”…? Are we willing to say that?? Maybe not….
But here’s the irony of such a statement as that: only if you say that can you say the next thing: “THEREFORE I AM PNG’s BEST HOPE FOR CHANGE”…
You see PNG is not just the land, the sea, the rivers, the trees…Papua New Guinea is the PEOPLE. We established this Nation by saying “WE THE PEOPLE”...in the Constitution and in our Pledge.
If we could therefore say with every conviction in our hearts: “I AM PNG!!” then we will feel a sense of pride, patriotism, loyalty and true dedication to it. Only then will we take personal responsibility for this great country of ours! Only then will we deliberately do the little things to add value to PNG, and avoid the other little things that destroy it….And only then can “Change (really) Start With Me”….
God Bless Papua New Guinea…
Fellow Patriot
(Change Starts With Me)
Dear Patriots,
I’d like to encourage you all to grab a hold of our Constitution and read especially the Preamble. The National Goals and Directive Principles enshrined in there provide the original vision on which our nation was established.
Unfortunately these principles and ideals on which our nation was build have not been effectively communicated to “WE THE PEOPLE” so that we could aspire to them.
Reading and understanding our National Vision would give you some idea of where you and I are as citizens of this country, and whether we are contributing to nation building. It will also give you an idea of how far from it we’ve strayed!
The principles there are as profound, in my view, as the ideals articulated in the US Declaration of Independence…and it would do our country well if “WE THE PEOPLE” would know it, appreciate and embrace, and work at it. Only then can we ACHIEVE it!
God Bless Papua New Guinea
Change Starts With Me!
I’d like to encourage you all to grab a hold of our Constitution and read especially the Preamble. The National Goals and Directive Principles enshrined in there provide the original vision on which our nation was established.
Unfortunately these principles and ideals on which our nation was build have not been effectively communicated to “WE THE PEOPLE” so that we could aspire to them.
Reading and understanding our National Vision would give you some idea of where you and I are as citizens of this country, and whether we are contributing to nation building. It will also give you an idea of how far from it we’ve strayed!
The principles there are as profound, in my view, as the ideals articulated in the US Declaration of Independence…and it would do our country well if “WE THE PEOPLE” would know it, appreciate and embrace, and work at it. Only then can we ACHIEVE it!
God Bless Papua New Guinea
Change Starts With Me!
29 March 2010
Activate Activism
PPNG INC. was created to be a voice for change...but with a unique approach. It wasnt created to be an activist organisation but to approach change from the standpoint of attitude.
Its diagnoses of the problem with PNGeans is this: THERE IS A LACK OF PATRIOTISM CAUSING A CHRONIC ATTITUDE PROBLEM AND CORRUPTION. The problem is not the law, systems, procedures, etc. but a DEFICIENCY (in the people) of a real love for this country which could drive the people's to see and make change in the nation. For us this is a paramount consideration in advocating for change.
You see friends many of us would like to march the streets and demand a change in law or something external. But when it comes down to Change it must start from within in order to be sustainable. It must start in the heart...
If you asked if PPNG can lead activism against the current corruption and tyranny of government? Yes it can...but PPNG will not be compromising its Mission and will stick to its focus on rallying and inspiring the people to truly changing themselves in order to see a truly changed nation. Hence its approach will be different--activism for change within...
Heavenise Day!
Its diagnoses of the problem with PNGeans is this: THERE IS A LACK OF PATRIOTISM CAUSING A CHRONIC ATTITUDE PROBLEM AND CORRUPTION. The problem is not the law, systems, procedures, etc. but a DEFICIENCY (in the people) of a real love for this country which could drive the people's to see and make change in the nation. For us this is a paramount consideration in advocating for change.
You see friends many of us would like to march the streets and demand a change in law or something external. But when it comes down to Change it must start from within in order to be sustainable. It must start in the heart...
If you asked if PPNG can lead activism against the current corruption and tyranny of government? Yes it can...but PPNG will not be compromising its Mission and will stick to its focus on rallying and inspiring the people to truly changing themselves in order to see a truly changed nation. Hence its approach will be different--activism for change within...
Heavenise Day!
23 March 2010
We had our very first CHANGE ADVOCACY WORKSHOP on Saturday 20th March
2010. Topics covered include the rationale behind the creation of
PPNG, its Mission and Vision, its Core Values (5 Pillars) and the way
forward and PPNG methods of change advocacy. We also discussed some of
the major Challenges that we will be facing as an organisation and a
movement of change. There was a good turnout by students of UPNG and a
couple of NGOs were also represented.
Apart from methods that have been thought up and are being pursued by
the currently actively involved members, there are still many methods
to devise and implement in respect of taking our message to the wider
community, and affecting and sustaining REAL CHANGE in our country.
Related to the actions of the movement, one of the major challenges of
PPNG is REAL COMMITMENT of players and members. Many express
enthusiasm and interest but are not committed. Commitment to a cause
requires that a person buy into the MISSION and VISION of the
movement. Once you grasp and appreciate the mission you may decide
that this is something worth your commitment and participation. If not
you are free to be an enthusiastic but not so active supported as we
do require that as well. Everyone has something to offer in this move
and we encourage you to come forward, find out what Patriots PNG is on
about, and decide whether to commit or not. ITS ALL UP TO YOU.
Being committed also means some SACRIFICE so please consider all the
pros and cons carefully.
To all you who have shown more than mere interest and enthusiasm, on
behalf of the directors and executives of PPNG I would like to thank
you for that. This campaign is not about the organisation/movement
itself. It is about finding a way to truly Change our Great Country.
Heavenise Week…
Patriots PNG Inc.
We had our very first CHANGE ADVOCACY WORKSHOP on Saturday 20th March
2010. Topics covered include the rationale behind the creation of
PPNG, its Mission and Vision, its Core Values (5 Pillars) and the way
forward and PPNG methods of change advocacy. We also discussed some of
the major Challenges that we will be facing as an organisation and a
movement of change. There was a good turnout by students of UPNG and a
couple of NGOs were also represented.
Apart from methods that have been thought up and are being pursued by
the currently actively involved members, there are still many methods
to devise and implement in respect of taking our message to the wider
community, and affecting and sustaining REAL CHANGE in our country.
Related to the actions of the movement, one of the major challenges of
PPNG is REAL COMMITMENT of players and members. Many express
enthusiasm and interest but are not committed. Commitment to a cause
requires that a person buy into the MISSION and VISION of the
movement. Once you grasp and appreciate the mission you may decide
that this is something worth your commitment and participation. If not
you are free to be an enthusiastic but not so active supported as we
do require that as well. Everyone has something to offer in this move
and we encourage you to come forward, find out what Patriots PNG is on
about, and decide whether to commit or not. ITS ALL UP TO YOU.
Being committed also means some SACRIFICE so please consider all the
pros and cons carefully.
To all you who have shown more than mere interest and enthusiasm, on
behalf of the directors and executives of PPNG I would like to thank
you for that. This campaign is not about the organisation/movement
itself. It is about finding a way to truly Change our Great Country.
Heavenise Week…
Patriots PNG Inc.
09 March 2010
In the movie “Freedom Writers” we follow the story of a teacher getting into a new job at a public high school with troubled youngsters who are raised in difficult and trying circumstances such as broken homes, gangs and gang violence, ethnic wars and so on. She starts helping those students live up to their potential by inspiring them to rise above the odds and be different. She tries to get them to read certain literature that they can identify with and attend events that she thinks will inspire them. She creates a loving environment for them which allows them to be themselves and excel. Most importantly she shows them that she believes in them.
She faces stiff opposition from a few of the conservative experienced teachers who don’t approve of her methods. They are sceptical and don’t have any care for the students. They don’t believe that the students are worthy of any extra attention. And they never take time to understand the lives they were dealing with.
At the end of it all the teacher triumphs and the movie shows clearly the transformation of the lives of her students despite previously being so hardened by their circumstances. The movie is based on a true story and the legacy of the teacher who had the courage to believe in her students lives on. The other sceptical teachers fade into insignificance when this story is told. But the teacher who believed has made a difference worthy of a feature film.
So take time to believe in people. It takes courage and much risk. But the belief that people can change may be the most important ingredient for a change advocate to make a difference in this country. It may be the only thing that makes everything else work…without such a belief we cannot hold on to hope for our nation.
I believe this nation can change because I believe the people can change.
God Bless Papua New Guinea.
Heavenise Week!
She faces stiff opposition from a few of the conservative experienced teachers who don’t approve of her methods. They are sceptical and don’t have any care for the students. They don’t believe that the students are worthy of any extra attention. And they never take time to understand the lives they were dealing with.
At the end of it all the teacher triumphs and the movie shows clearly the transformation of the lives of her students despite previously being so hardened by their circumstances. The movie is based on a true story and the legacy of the teacher who had the courage to believe in her students lives on. The other sceptical teachers fade into insignificance when this story is told. But the teacher who believed has made a difference worthy of a feature film.
So take time to believe in people. It takes courage and much risk. But the belief that people can change may be the most important ingredient for a change advocate to make a difference in this country. It may be the only thing that makes everything else work…without such a belief we cannot hold on to hope for our nation.
I believe this nation can change because I believe the people can change.
God Bless Papua New Guinea.
Heavenise Week!
23 February 2010
Hi Patriots,
You know trying to help ourselves and our people change the way we think is a mammoth of a task...some (in fact many) say it is impossible because we look at this endless sea of people with a fixed mindset and a reinforcing culture and environment. The negativity seems endless too!Is there hope??
I read yesterday about the hopeful perspective of Mother Teresa who faced a massive mass of humanity living in despair and was often asked how she could change this. Everywhere you look in India there would be a hungry, despondent, dying soul..and endless sea of them. What could she possibly do? But she didn't look at the overwhelming mass in despair and get discouraged. She considered that every time she rescued a girl from prostitution, fed a hungry child, cared for the sick and dying, she considered it as sutracting from the despair and adding to the hope. Now that attitude there is "HOPE".
That's how we consider this move of Operation Senisim Pasin. We don't consider the negative mentality of the majority of PNGeans to be overwhelming. But every time we inspire at least one person to think differently and embrace a new mentality, we are subtracting from the number of people with negative mentality and adding one more positive, value-adding citizen to the citizenry. That gives me hope that this nation can change.
So don't be overwhelmed with the negative and stubborn mindset of PNGeans, but consider the hope of subtracting from that despair and adding one more person (maybe yourself) to the number of PNGeans with hope that we CAN change the way we think...and in fact we are already on that course.
God Bless Papua New Guinea!
Heavenise Week!
You know trying to help ourselves and our people change the way we think is a mammoth of a task...some (in fact many) say it is impossible because we look at this endless sea of people with a fixed mindset and a reinforcing culture and environment. The negativity seems endless too!Is there hope??
I read yesterday about the hopeful perspective of Mother Teresa who faced a massive mass of humanity living in despair and was often asked how she could change this. Everywhere you look in India there would be a hungry, despondent, dying soul..and endless sea of them. What could she possibly do? But she didn't look at the overwhelming mass in despair and get discouraged. She considered that every time she rescued a girl from prostitution, fed a hungry child, cared for the sick and dying, she considered it as sutracting from the despair and adding to the hope. Now that attitude there is "HOPE".
That's how we consider this move of Operation Senisim Pasin. We don't consider the negative mentality of the majority of PNGeans to be overwhelming. But every time we inspire at least one person to think differently and embrace a new mentality, we are subtracting from the number of people with negative mentality and adding one more positive, value-adding citizen to the citizenry. That gives me hope that this nation can change.
So don't be overwhelmed with the negative and stubborn mindset of PNGeans, but consider the hope of subtracting from that despair and adding one more person (maybe yourself) to the number of PNGeans with hope that we CAN change the way we think...and in fact we are already on that course.
God Bless Papua New Guinea!
Heavenise Week!
11 February 2010
Hello Patriots,
Yesterday I was chatting with the President of PPNG INC., Mr. Henry Osembo and he mentioned something that I thought was very inspiring n that I should share with you.
He mentioned how someone had told him long ago that our lives must be able to positively impact society. He said our lives must be like a river flowing down to impact the sea of humanity.
Its a truth that we cannot escape. Our lives, are like those streams and rivers that flow into the sea of humanity..affecting it. We never notice how much impact the rivers have on the sea with a simple observation. When a river flows into the sea we don't know how much higher the sea level rose, or the salt content of the sea or whatever...but there is no doubt that the river does contribute something to the sea.
In parallel your life is a river that affects this sea of humanity. it can bring life and enhance the quality of the sea...or it can be a polluted river that harms the sea by bringing what it contains into it. The choice I guess is yours...and mine.
No matter how much we'd like to deny it, each of our individual lives affects humanity. It affect this country....and it DOES affect the world.
Mr. Osembo's and my hope is that more and more PNGean lives will be positive rivers that positively affect the sea of humanity in this country.
Heavenise Week and God Bless Papua New Guinea!
Your friend and fellow patriot...
Yesterday I was chatting with the President of PPNG INC., Mr. Henry Osembo and he mentioned something that I thought was very inspiring n that I should share with you.
He mentioned how someone had told him long ago that our lives must be able to positively impact society. He said our lives must be like a river flowing down to impact the sea of humanity.
Its a truth that we cannot escape. Our lives, are like those streams and rivers that flow into the sea of humanity..affecting it. We never notice how much impact the rivers have on the sea with a simple observation. When a river flows into the sea we don't know how much higher the sea level rose, or the salt content of the sea or whatever...but there is no doubt that the river does contribute something to the sea.
In parallel your life is a river that affects this sea of humanity. it can bring life and enhance the quality of the sea...or it can be a polluted river that harms the sea by bringing what it contains into it. The choice I guess is yours...and mine.
No matter how much we'd like to deny it, each of our individual lives affects humanity. It affect this country....and it DOES affect the world.
Mr. Osembo's and my hope is that more and more PNGean lives will be positive rivers that positively affect the sea of humanity in this country.
Heavenise Week and God Bless Papua New Guinea!
Your friend and fellow patriot...
01 February 2010
Constant Positive Information Changes Minds
Hello Patriots,
You know I don’t think many of you read these messages. But I do hope you do and will. We don’t send them based on that. We send them out because we think this is our small part in helping PNGeans to change our mindsets.
When asked in a recent radio appearance about how we could change the mindset of PNGeans I said people need to receive the right kind of information. They need to hear positive things and they need it constantly...
I would love for every person in PNG to change the way we think. But this won’t happen overnight. It’s probably like water beating against a rock. But one thing is certain. As sure as the constant flow of the water in a river beats against a stone and eventually makes a dent, the constant hearing of a message can eventually change the minds of the recipients. I just hope you don’t take yourself away from the flow of positive information... from these such messages, or through the media or some other medium such as books etc.
That is what we are trying to do in Patriots PNG...to spread as much positive information around as regularly as possible so that we and other people of PNG can experience change in mindsets...and then a change in our rock-hard ATTITUDE...CHANGE CAN HAPPEN...one dent at a time.
Heavenise Week....And God Bless Papua New Guinea!
You know I don’t think many of you read these messages. But I do hope you do and will. We don’t send them based on that. We send them out because we think this is our small part in helping PNGeans to change our mindsets.
When asked in a recent radio appearance about how we could change the mindset of PNGeans I said people need to receive the right kind of information. They need to hear positive things and they need it constantly...
I would love for every person in PNG to change the way we think. But this won’t happen overnight. It’s probably like water beating against a rock. But one thing is certain. As sure as the constant flow of the water in a river beats against a stone and eventually makes a dent, the constant hearing of a message can eventually change the minds of the recipients. I just hope you don’t take yourself away from the flow of positive information... from these such messages, or through the media or some other medium such as books etc.
That is what we are trying to do in Patriots PNG...to spread as much positive information around as regularly as possible so that we and other people of PNG can experience change in mindsets...and then a change in our rock-hard ATTITUDE...CHANGE CAN HAPPEN...one dent at a time.
Heavenise Week....And God Bless Papua New Guinea!
18 January 2010
Hello fellow Patriots,
Thank you all for being a part of this new movement of change in the country. I hope that the recent journey with PPNG has kindled a flame for our country. Today I’d just like to mention one of PPNG’s core values. It’s our two-part pillar #3: RESPECT & HONOUR...particularly honour.
What does it mean to honour someone or something? Why does God ask children to “honour” their parents? What does it mean to be an honourable person? Why is Patriots PNG asking the citizens of PNG be honourable?
Simply put honour, for me, means two things: (1) I do that which brings PRIDE and JOY to the object of my honour (e.g. my parents, God); and (2) I avoid that which could bring SHAME and EMBARRASSMENT to the object of my honour.
So by asking ourselves as Papua New Guineans to honour our country we are asking ourselves to be and to do what we can to make our country proud. I don’t need to remind you of the swell of pride this nation felt when Ryan & Dika & the Kumuls did well in the international sport scene. Conversely you’d understand the shame and embarrassment we felt when something happened to tarnish the image of Papua New Guinea.
I’d like to kindly remind us that in everything we do as Papua New Guineans, we either make our country proud or we bring it into shame. All our actions or their fruits are watched and by them opinions are made of our PNG.... It’s so easy to say that some other ‘notable’ person is more prone to bring either honour or shame to PNG (by doing that you reduce your individual significance and worth..please don’t). But the truth is both you and I and every single Papua New Guinean shapes the outlook of PNG to the world. Remember PPNG mostly advocates about doing the little things...
Whenever you spit on our country, litter on her, cheat on n steal from her, or sell her cheaply etc., imagine her as a mother looking on you in embarrassment and shame....And when you’re that good responsible citizen loyally serving and defending her, imagine her beaming with pride coz you love her and care enough to GIVE HER THE BEST and to BE THE BEST you can be for her sake....
Heavenise Week
and God Bless Papua New Guinea.
Fellow Patriot
[PS: ORIENTATION MEETING for members and interested person coming up end-of month or early next month in Port Moresby...please come along]
Thank you all for being a part of this new movement of change in the country. I hope that the recent journey with PPNG has kindled a flame for our country. Today I’d just like to mention one of PPNG’s core values. It’s our two-part pillar #3: RESPECT & HONOUR...particularly honour.
What does it mean to honour someone or something? Why does God ask children to “honour” their parents? What does it mean to be an honourable person? Why is Patriots PNG asking the citizens of PNG be honourable?
Simply put honour, for me, means two things: (1) I do that which brings PRIDE and JOY to the object of my honour (e.g. my parents, God); and (2) I avoid that which could bring SHAME and EMBARRASSMENT to the object of my honour.
So by asking ourselves as Papua New Guineans to honour our country we are asking ourselves to be and to do what we can to make our country proud. I don’t need to remind you of the swell of pride this nation felt when Ryan & Dika & the Kumuls did well in the international sport scene. Conversely you’d understand the shame and embarrassment we felt when something happened to tarnish the image of Papua New Guinea.
I’d like to kindly remind us that in everything we do as Papua New Guineans, we either make our country proud or we bring it into shame. All our actions or their fruits are watched and by them opinions are made of our PNG.... It’s so easy to say that some other ‘notable’ person is more prone to bring either honour or shame to PNG (by doing that you reduce your individual significance and worth..please don’t). But the truth is both you and I and every single Papua New Guinean shapes the outlook of PNG to the world. Remember PPNG mostly advocates about doing the little things...
Whenever you spit on our country, litter on her, cheat on n steal from her, or sell her cheaply etc., imagine her as a mother looking on you in embarrassment and shame....And when you’re that good responsible citizen loyally serving and defending her, imagine her beaming with pride coz you love her and care enough to GIVE HER THE BEST and to BE THE BEST you can be for her sake....
Heavenise Week
and God Bless Papua New Guinea.
Fellow Patriot
[PS: ORIENTATION MEETING for members and interested person coming up end-of month or early next month in Port Moresby...please come along]
12 January 2010
Hello Patriots,
A great year this is looking to be for us. The Meet, Greet & Connect Sausage Sizzle was a successful event. Turned out much better than I personally imagined it would. For those who came that day a big thank you to all of you. Some of you probably did not come because you thought it was washed out. But in fact the sun was shining brightly on us at Ela Beach all day! We had people come find out more and many signed as members and volunteers. A good number of children signed up as members so we are looking forward to instilling patriotism and positive values in these our young next generation of leaders.
I must say much of the appreciation for the success of the day goes to one of our members Miku Singin-Agarobe and Helifix Co. Ltd. Helifix, on Miku’s and their CEO’s own accord offered to provide support for PPNG on the day which was a major boost for us leaders and executives who have been digging deep for the PPNG events. They also made it possible for us to go live on FM 100 last Friday which was a major boost for the event. Helifix is totally PNG owned and goes by the motto “DOING OUR BIT IN NATION BUILDING” which explains greatly why they have come aboard and are standing beside PPNG. So on behalf of Patriots PNG I would like to say a big thank you to Miku and the CEO, Mr. Robert Agarobe, and staff of Helifix for the not only support for PPNG but also for the dedication to seeing change in Papua New Guinea.
PPNG also thanks many people who helped with the event. There was provision and support from friends and families who have caught the vision and believe this is the way forward for PNG. I could list them down but I fear missing some (and boring the readers!) so...One behalf of PPNG (which is you anyway!) a massive TENKYU STRET to you taking ownership of this movement. My hope is that you will take ownership of PPNG that when you refer to it you can say “we” and “us” stead of “they” and “them”.
The PPNG group page news has been updated so you may go there and find out how things went and updates on our incorporation and etc.
Thank you and God Bless...
Heavenise Week!
A great year this is looking to be for us. The Meet, Greet & Connect Sausage Sizzle was a successful event. Turned out much better than I personally imagined it would. For those who came that day a big thank you to all of you. Some of you probably did not come because you thought it was washed out. But in fact the sun was shining brightly on us at Ela Beach all day! We had people come find out more and many signed as members and volunteers. A good number of children signed up as members so we are looking forward to instilling patriotism and positive values in these our young next generation of leaders.
I must say much of the appreciation for the success of the day goes to one of our members Miku Singin-Agarobe and Helifix Co. Ltd. Helifix, on Miku’s and their CEO’s own accord offered to provide support for PPNG on the day which was a major boost for us leaders and executives who have been digging deep for the PPNG events. They also made it possible for us to go live on FM 100 last Friday which was a major boost for the event. Helifix is totally PNG owned and goes by the motto “DOING OUR BIT IN NATION BUILDING” which explains greatly why they have come aboard and are standing beside PPNG. So on behalf of Patriots PNG I would like to say a big thank you to Miku and the CEO, Mr. Robert Agarobe, and staff of Helifix for the not only support for PPNG but also for the dedication to seeing change in Papua New Guinea.
PPNG also thanks many people who helped with the event. There was provision and support from friends and families who have caught the vision and believe this is the way forward for PNG. I could list them down but I fear missing some (and boring the readers!) so...One behalf of PPNG (which is you anyway!) a massive TENKYU STRET to you taking ownership of this movement. My hope is that you will take ownership of PPNG that when you refer to it you can say “we” and “us” stead of “they” and “them”.
The PPNG group page news has been updated so you may go there and find out how things went and updates on our incorporation and etc.
Thank you and God Bless...
Heavenise Week!
07 January 2010
See you this Saturday at the MEET & GREET BBQ!

Hi there Patriots!
Sorry been a while since last message from me. Been away a while and m back. Oh and almost-belated HAPPY NEW YEAR! to you all. If you’ve made resolutions hope you’re willing to keep it going beyond January.
Well for those who’ve confirmed to attend our MEET, GREET & CONNECT this Saturday I am sure looking forward to seeing and meeting you all there. Those who havent confirmed hope you can can make it.
Do come and bring as many of your family and friends along so that we can all have one big fun and connecting time! There will be basketball and volleyball so there’ll be no shortage of fun.
We will be holding membership registration as well as volunteers enlistment for our Change Campaign (which is PPNG’s main advocacy program). As part of the campaign we will be running many more events etc. to spread the message of patriotism and change in our country and to recruit as many change campaigners as possible.
Membership Registration fees are:
Employed: K20.00
Students/Not-yet employed: K10.00
Children: K5.00
Volunteer enlistment only requires that you be willing to help us organise and plan events for the Change Campaign. You do not have to be a member to be a volunteer.
Remember it starts at 9:00am till afternoon at the Ela Beach near the Amphitheatre or close to the VBall courts and the BBall courts.
Again please do come along, sign up, enlist, meet, greet, connect, have fun and buy some sausages to support the movement.
Thanks again and see you all there.
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