18 January 2010


Hello fellow Patriots,

Thank you all for being a part of this new movement of change in the country. I hope that the recent journey with PPNG has kindled a flame for our country. Today I’d just like to mention one of PPNG’s core values. It’s our two-part pillar #3: RESPECT & HONOUR...particularly honour.

What does it mean to honour someone or something? Why does God ask children to “honour” their parents? What does it mean to be an honourable person? Why is Patriots PNG asking the citizens of PNG be honourable?

Simply put honour, for me, means two things: (1) I do that which brings PRIDE and JOY to the object of my honour (e.g. my parents, God); and (2) I avoid that which could bring SHAME and EMBARRASSMENT to the object of my honour.

So by asking ourselves as Papua New Guineans to honour our country we are asking ourselves to be and to do what we can to make our country proud. I don’t need to remind you of the swell of pride this nation felt when Ryan & Dika & the Kumuls did well in the international sport scene. Conversely you’d understand the shame and embarrassment we felt when something happened to tarnish the image of Papua New Guinea.

I’d like to kindly remind us that in everything we do as Papua New Guineans, we either make our country proud or we bring it into shame. All our actions or their fruits are watched and by them opinions are made of our PNG.... It’s so easy to say that some other ‘notable’ person is more prone to bring either honour or shame to PNG (by doing that you reduce your individual significance and worth..please don’t). But the truth is both you and I and every single Papua New Guinean shapes the outlook of PNG to the world. Remember PPNG mostly advocates about doing the little things...

Whenever you spit on our country, litter on her, cheat on n steal from her, or sell her cheaply etc., imagine her as a mother looking on you in embarrassment and shame....And when you’re that good responsible citizen loyally serving and defending her, imagine her beaming with pride coz you love her and care enough to GIVE HER THE BEST and to BE THE BEST you can be for her sake....

Heavenise Week

and God Bless Papua New Guinea.

Fellow Patriot

[PS: ORIENTATION MEETING for members and interested person coming up end-of month or early next month in Port Moresby...please come along]

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