26 April 2013

Our deranged Modern World

In the old days, when parents arranged marriages, the marriages seemed to last forever. These days, we're free to choose our spouses, and the rate of separation and divorce is disgraceful. It shows a greater erosion in our current society: It seems the freer we get, the more insane we become. We're not restrained any more by timeless principles, but by rash emotions and hormonal dictates. 

We make more babies than families; have more passing lovers than lifelong spouses; have more sex but have less love; we lust more and love less.

The Dark Ages is nothing compared to this age. We deserve  fire and brimstone more than Sodom and Gomorrah; and the flood more than the days of Noah.

Thank God He promised not to punish us like that again.




1 comment:

  1. No - instead God gave us a better solution: Send the Son to show the way back to the Father. Then all men can be true fathers to their families, to their communities, and to this nation because of their own restored relationship with their Heavenly Father... keep speaking out, bro
