13 September 2011


By Ganjiki D Wayne

Last year Independence Week I wrote a piece challenging PNGeans to be patriots beyond September 16. PC published it as Letter of the Week. This year I can’t think of anything better than remind us of that message again. It seems come this month and day we slap on the colours, dance to the tunes, sing the anthem and share opinions on how great we think our country is. Come September 17, for most PNGeans...its back to square one.

How many of us are truly nation-conscious? Do we really think every day about how our actions (or inactions) and our words, affect our nation? When we pick up the newspapers and read of State affairs, how long do we rejoice or stay upset? Public servants, how many times have we reminded ourselves that we work for the very people we pass by on the street or sit next to in a PMV? Do we lovingly embrace ALL PNGeans instead of just people of our provinces/regions? Does your heart break when you see the unnecessary injustice all around you?

I’m sure many PNGeans have such a PNG-oriented mindset. They don’t stop thinking of solutions that they keep sharing them on every medium, regardless of whether any attention is given; patriots who argue their case or serve tirelessly till they’re sapped of their energy. PNG is forever indebted to people like that.

Gary Juffa once gave a very profound analysis of people who serve in the Public Service. There are three types he said: (1) those just PASSING through, who leave as soon as they find another job; (2) those who CANNOT leave because no one else will employ them; and (3) those truly DEDICATED to their nation that they stick around no matter how bad it gets for them. The third are true patriots, embodying John F. Kennedy’s “Ask not” challenge. I hope you are too. I hope you don’t milk this nation for your own sake but constantly give yourself for it.

When September 17 comes around and the emotion is doused, the flag has fallen out of your hat, the singing has stopped, and the paint on your face and body has faded; will you still love this great nation? Will you not spit that red spittle on her, nor litter on her streets or pollute her land? Will you not abuse public property? Will you not smoke in the PMV, respecting and loving your fellow PNGeans? Will you serve diligently with few complaints, and lots of heart? Will you carry our flag honourably if you live in a foreign land? Will you not sell her cheaply to foreign interests, obnoxiously and selfishly? As you drive along Waigani Drive, look to Independence Hill and see that mother of all PNG flags fly high. Will you whisper a prayer for PNG? Will you be a steady and constant patriot; not swayed by the emotions of the moment but forever dedicated to a cause greater than yourself?

I hope you answered affirmatively to these challenges. This nation can be made great only on the backs of truly dedicated patriots and good responsible citizens who start changing in the little things. It starts with you. It starts with me.

God Bless Papua New Guinea

Heavenise day!



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