07 July 2010


Hey Patriots

CONGRATULATIONS to Madang on the very innovative and well organized protest march held last week. Madang is coming alive with patriots who do not want to sit down and allow our Nation to go to the dogs. That town has a lot of lessons for the rest of PNG. PPI leaders just got back from there and it is truly amazing what is going on and the change of mindset that the people are experiencing. WELL DONE MADANG!

But please do not stop there. I humbly encourage you all to not stop at the point of raising our voice and being heard. Let’s BE THE CHANGE. PPI has a concern for the politics in our nation yes. But it is more worried about the character and attitude of the People. You see currently in our political and bureaucratic sectors there are people who were passionate student activists of their time. But now they are the very ones making and/or executing decisions that are hurting our country.

WHY? Because in all the hype and excitement of protesting and going against a corrupt government, we gave little attention to developing an honest, noble, selfless character and attitude. And the little steps we could take to develop leadership quality and wisdom are ignored. Eventually, as we now see, when it comes to being leaders at the national level the only best quality on display is our ORATORY skill. But INTEGRITY, SELFLESSNESS, DEDICATION, LOYALTY, etc. are rare.

I say this humbly and with the greatest respect for all who are actively fighting our corrupt authorities. I and PPI are fully behind you! I am also fully aware of the potential I have of failing as a leader of this very organization and as a patriot of this great Nation.

When all is said and done it is our quiet consistent character as a people that will take this nation forward. Not necessarily our emotions or our ability to stimulate emotions at spontaneous moments.

God Bless and Heavenise Week!



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