07 March 2012

An Angry Prayer

An Angry Prayer

By Ganjiki D Wayne


Dear Lord,


Angry, feel like calling a thousand curses without tarry

On the instigators of the chaos in this sweet country

At least hear me out as I vent the anger within me

You said "be angry but do not sin", so if I do please forgive me


I know you won't oblige my humble request

To wipe them off the face of the earth tonight?

But it doesn't hurt to ask...right?!

If that's too much perhaps just some accidents

With injuries that'll incapacitate them

From doing further damage to our land's reputation

You said that evil-doers will one day be dead

They'd be "cut down like the grass and wither as the green herb"


Could You kindly make that happen soon...oh please do!

We have so many that we could do without

If that's still too much then perhaps we can settle for flu

Pierce their dark souls with righteous fears

And if they don't change then I hope You can

Reconsider my two earlier pleas

Nevertheless not my will, but Yours be done


You said to the righteous man

That you "shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light

And thy judgment as the noonday"

So let the light of those who are innocent

In these dark times, shine incandescent

A thousand fingers, a thousand directions

While we in the stands each choose affiliations

But You are a Judge whose judgement is just

So protect the innocent, steady justice like a strong mast


Give wisdom to those who seek it from You

And let the folly of the wicked deepen the hole he's fallen into

Crush them like the serpent's head

Let them reap the evil that they sow


Nevertheless not my will but Yours be done!



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