12 March 2012

Dark Knights in Shining Armour

Dark Knights in Shining Armour
By Ganjiki D Wayne

Tyrants they waltz delightfully in
Dark Knights in shining spotless amour
While we're sleeping, comfortably tucked in
Take over and rule at a sudden hour

Just like the devil said the whole world he'd give
If only our Lord would bow a crooked knee
Turn a blind eye to the Word by which He'd live
But to Truth He chose to truly be

Angels of light to this vessel in need
Dish out tonnes of Turkish Delight
And like Edmund we downed it all in great speed
Deluded by our craving and hunger for sight

Unlike our Lord, our knees we gladly bent
To these Princes who shone as bright as the sun
Now see them replicate a lie, truth they shun
Make us sweat as if Hell had found its vent

Tear the Mama Lo, like used toilet paper
Write low laws on which their names are splattered
See them fly in on our very own wings
Wanted men, from nations that'd do without 'em

They treat our Chief guardian like a simple pauper
All to make themselves look true and proper
But we know the demons they bear
Yet here they stand with might and power

Shallow minds embrace and may return them
Kina signs blind even the brightest eyes
We look up then hang our heads in shame
A thousand promises they get ten thousand "Ayes!"

Oh ye Dark Knights in Shining Armour!
The time will come when you must answer
For making our land a laughing stock
For controversies one after another
Unsolved and truly unfinished
All to keep your throne well polished

Your time will come mark my words
Humpty dumpty did not last long
You just might fall you just might mourn
Evil is also a two-edged sword
Cuts its victim, destroys its handler
Your grass shall wither your bloom shall end

Then be ye haunted with nightmares galore
Memories of what you did before
Shall torment your dark and lonely soul
While you claw your way up an endless hole

Your friend Mammon shall no longer comfort thee
Those riches you unfairly gained for a spree
Your eyes will feast on but not enjoy really
The storehouses of feeble wealth will
Wither while your health goes downhill

Oh how sorry now I finally feel
Come to think of it I truly pity you
For your fall shall be hard and will hurt too
And if eternity's salvation passes by you
Oh how damned and endless...
The final end will witness

Take these words while you have your breath
I hope you'll have an eternal cause to smile
For when your song is sung and you greet sweet death
You just might miss the light of Heaven's endless mile

God Bless PNG!


07 March 2012

An Angry Prayer

An Angry Prayer

By Ganjiki D Wayne


Dear Lord,


Angry, feel like calling a thousand curses without tarry

On the instigators of the chaos in this sweet country

At least hear me out as I vent the anger within me

You said "be angry but do not sin", so if I do please forgive me


I know you won't oblige my humble request

To wipe them off the face of the earth tonight?

But it doesn't hurt to ask...right?!

If that's too much perhaps just some accidents

With injuries that'll incapacitate them

From doing further damage to our land's reputation

You said that evil-doers will one day be dead

They'd be "cut down like the grass and wither as the green herb"


Could You kindly make that happen soon...oh please do!

We have so many that we could do without

If that's still too much then perhaps we can settle for flu

Pierce their dark souls with righteous fears

And if they don't change then I hope You can

Reconsider my two earlier pleas

Nevertheless not my will, but Yours be done


You said to the righteous man

That you "shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light

And thy judgment as the noonday"

So let the light of those who are innocent

In these dark times, shine incandescent

A thousand fingers, a thousand directions

While we in the stands each choose affiliations

But You are a Judge whose judgement is just

So protect the innocent, steady justice like a strong mast


Give wisdom to those who seek it from You

And let the folly of the wicked deepen the hole he's fallen into

Crush them like the serpent's head

Let them reap the evil that they sow


Nevertheless not my will but Yours be done!
