Grandad gave me this NIV Student Bible 10 years ago yesterday. My most prized possession. But so what. Many have had bibles longer than 10 years. Having a bible for any period of time has no bearing on how much growth you've had spiritually. The reading, studying of and meditation on the Word is vital for growth. Having the Word available in paperback or electronically on your phone without actually diving into it won't help in the edification of your spirit and mind. It's like attending a great banquet of the best food imaginable and not taking a single bite. And relying only on preachers to tell it to you is like eating their left-overs rather than serving your own. Reading wise memes on FB is like eating the appetisers only and never progressing to mains.
A preacher once said, "dirty Bible, clean Christian. Clean Bible, dirty Christian." So how's your Bible doing? Is it worn out with a constant flipping of the pages, and pen markings and highlighting and stuffed with notes and cross references etc? Or is "as good as new"?
I'm sharing with you this reminder to myself to not allow the single greatest and unparalleled source of wisdom for life on earth (for salvation, love, relationships, leadership, emotional stability, and even business) to go unstudied.
"but his delight is in the law of the Lord,
and on his law he meditates day and night.
He is like a tree
planted by streams of water
that yields its fruit in its season,
and its leaf does not wither.
In all that he does, he prospers"
~ Ps 1
Heavenise Day!
#Foodforthoughtdaily #WisdomFaithAction