My wife and I celebrated our 5th Wedding Anniversary on the 17th of September this year. This was my Facebook post reflecting on the institution of marriage:
The best thing about marriage is the synergy. Whatever my motivation, inspiration, creativity, ability to love, commitment to serve, strength under pressure, determination, perseverance, wit, wisdom, courage, and happiness, or anything praiseworthy—it multiplied after marriage. Not just doubled, but quadrupled and more.
I believe in the Union of One Man and One Woman. I believe in the power that comes from within it; the added value to the world, the impact; the simultaneous vulnerability and safety; the meeting of weakness and strength; the practice of transparency; the increase of patience through practice; the strength to forgive; the humbling of arrogance; a safe place for boasting; the best place for correction.
Marriage is a lifelong school for love. Love well in there, and loving the world becomes easier.
Choose wisely. Two is better than one. Three (God included) is even better!
To the woman who multiplies the best of me, Happy Anniversary.