Is Self-Actualization
"Be true to yourself
Follow your heart"
But Truth says "Deny yourself
And Come follow me"
The World says "follow your heart"
Truth says the heart is deceitful
Above all things
The World says if it feels good, do it
Truth says what you FEEL like doing, don't
The World says Me First
And Be the Master
Truth says Be Last
Be the server
The World says from Monkeys we came
You can be any other sex or specie
If you can afford surgery
Truth says you are fearfully and wonderfully made
Made to be like me
An opposite thing I forbade
The World says you can marry your own sex
Forget that it's not natural and nothing fits,
Or that its unproductive
Truth says a man shall to his wife cleave
What is together let no man put asunder
And what is separate let no man put together
The World hates Truth
Yet Truth loves the World
The World would kill the Truth
But the Truth already died
Died for the World
And now lives again
The World says "there's no absolutely truth"
Can that be absolutely true?
Truth says "I am THE Truth
I live again
And to Testify to the Truth I came
Who shall we believe?
As both scream "come follow me!"
The World screams powerfully
But only Truth can set us free...