The buai problem (the ban, the illegal buying and selling, the wrongful deaths at the hands of an undisciplined police force, etc.) is not a problem of SUPPLY, it's a problem of DEMAND.
The only reason buai sellers defy the ban, despite the presence of a brutal police force, is that you chewers are willing to buy from them on the streets, the busstops, and the undesignated spots. They risk their lives and limbs to meet your craving. They take the beating while you selfishly walk away with their merchandise that the city rangers or the cops foolishly scatter all over the pavement. Despite them servicing your addiction, you won't stand with them or for them when the ugly arm of the law treats them like animals.
We rubbish the buai seller like he's an animal that has no sense of compliance to the law? "Ol olsem blu lang! Polis rausim ol tasol stil ol kam!" But what of the chewer who seems to have no control over his addiction? Aren't we like animals, who must have what our body craves despite the sacrifice of the one who supplies it? Do we deserve to be beat up as the buyer, to be fair to the seller?
Buai chewers who facilitate the breaching of the law should be fined and locked up. Or dealt with exactly the same way that sellers are dealt.
The blood of the poor woman who died is on you.
She was trying to supply your need. She knew the risk of exposing herself to the thugs in blue. She knew the deadness of of their hearts. Yet she was trying to bring to you one of your most important needs. She knew you'd meet her at the busstop to collect your supplies. And despite the risk, she went out to meet you. But when the cops came they didn't see you. You were right there. You're always there. But they didn't see you. They saw her. Now she's dead.
But you didn't defend her. You never tell the cops "If you're going to beat her, then beat me up too!" She was the one who ran in fear. But at that instance, and every instant like it, you're the real coward.
So stop.
Stop buying where you aren't suppose to buy. Stop chewing where you aren't suppose to chew. And stop spitting where you aren't suppose to spit. Stop encouraging the seller to risk his life and limb just for your moment of high.
God made us to have cravings. But he gave us a will and an intelligence to resist feeding that craving when we are required to. That's why we're not animals.
Heavenise weekend.
#TokautTokstret #policebrutalit #buaiban #deathoverbuai
Ganjiki D Wayne
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