This is probably the first time I truly and sincerely appreciate Christmas. It really hit home. The first time I cried in realization of what Christmas truly meant. Not just in the joy of it, but in the loss and the pain it signifies; and then it's end, its ultimate purpose. It hit me like never before.
Because this was the first Christmas I celebrate as a father. And if you're a father (especially one who loves his child) you'd know that you and I would probably never let our child be given as a ransom to save a people. And not just a people but a people who neither know you nor appreciate you, and who probably hate you. People who aren't even on your time. People who are on the NAUGHTY LIST. I can't imagine doing that to my child. I would have to be crazily in love with the other people to let my son go like that.
And yet.
That's exactly what God the Father did. "For God so loved the world that He sent His Only begotten Son" to die for us. Not after we acknowledged Him or got on His side. But He did it while we "were yet sinners". We were still His enemies. He was sent to pay a ransom for our salvation.
Thank God He isn't like our mythical Santa who only brings gifts to those who are nice this year. When God sent Jesus We were/are all in the Naughty List. It's ONLY when we receive the Son that we make it to the Good list. Otherwise, we're stuck on the Naughty list till we die or Christ comes the second time.
Such a move by that Father is unfathomable. Yet it happened.