Might is Right!
Look at us, Just look!!
Whatever has become of us!?
What darkness has come over this home of ours?
What made us lose our way, what made us crook?
We no longer love each other
We hate and resent, separate further
We buckle under the weight of life's ultimate lure
We stumble for control, man's deepest desire
What shall hold us true? What guide?
That Mama Lo, it's as bendable as Pete's belt?
What point of reference except what's felt?
What shall become of the law now, it's all soft?
The Court has no hold, who care's what it says!?
Its thoughts subject to the will of man
Its enforcers toothless, armless, grit-less
Yet we run to it for an image, as if we truly love justice
But it's a face, a diabolical spectacle
So the world will see we love the law
We desire to ensure its rule, to ensure all follow
We wish to dig ourselves out of this deep debacle
We thirst for a single seat, a symbol of power
And we would use this House to exclude any other
Change the laws for our convenience
Dressed as "national interest", yet a nuisance!
I practice law, but what I practice now I know not
For this thing that could be interpreted with authority
No longer is objective, but subject to man's whimsical lot
For now the one with the illusion of power decides for us the highest law
And so we who watch this disgraceful scheme
No longer comfort, but oft lamenting
That we each now make our own rules, choose our right
And if opposed with truth we put up a fight
Like the Roman Empire, right is fixed by sheer might...
How now shall our nation live?
What will make our power-mongers give?
If they will not submit to law, its scepter
Then what hold is there left on our future's threshold?
I despair, but yet I hope, that at this incomprehensible time
More than before we shall hunger for truth
And that hunger shall guide us true
To the Truth, so settle me and you
Humble our hearts, open our eyes
We're blinded by self-imputed righteousness
Blinded by our greed and our childish ways
Make us see the essence of reason and true goodness
For To make this nation truly great
Is to make our hearts truly loyal
To a rule that withstands man's rates
And binds the conscience of this nation's all
God Bless Papua New Guinea!
Sent from R&G's iPhone