Dear Patriots,
Trying times are before us. Our identity is being challenged. The Pillars on which our nation was built have become unrecognisable as we, in embracing modernism, have buried our roots; forgotten that which our fathers, in Providence of Wisdom, had laid down as platforms for an ideal PNG.
Our values are all muddled up that we do not know what is important anymore. In riding the Waves of Change we have not cared to look ahead at where those Waves would eventually crash. But we have jumped on it for the ride...because the world rides it.
What uniqueness does PNG have to offer the world if we strive only to become like the rest of the world? What will make us special? Is it just our natural beauty; our resources?? What about offering to the World the unique and outstanding “PNG Way”; our Values, our Way of Life? Our Worldview: A splendid mix of our noble traditions, our adopted Christian principles and the accurate philosophies of right living and conduct. Is that impossible? Is that not a greater commodity? Is that not an extravagant contribution to the world? A legacy worth working for and protecting?
In our dash to conform to the world let us be reminded that we are a unique people. That we can choose, in our wisdom, what is best for us and our nation. That we can choose timeless principles to guide us in the process of decision-making; in maturity, deep thought and sound reasoning.
These are possible. Spend some time to reflect on our nation. Ask questions of yourself that you may not have asked before. Probe our identity and measure it against the world. If We can no longer separate what is PNG with the World....then we have lost who we are.
God Bless Papua New Guinea
Heavenise Week!