"But see, we are slaves today, slaves in the land you gave our forefathers so they could eat its fruit and other things it produces. Because of our sins its abundant harvest goes to the kings you placed over us. They rule over our bodies and our cattle as they please. We are in great distress."
Neh. 9:36-37
There is a striking similarity between the nation of Israel as described by Nehemiah and our PNG. We have become like slave in our own nation. Receiving only the scraps of so called development and progress. Foreigners take the abundance of our land either directly or through our own puppet leaders. We toil everyday in business houses most of which are owned by foreigners, receiving a meager pay compared to the vast riches that they acquire and take back to their land. And the majority struggle for survival in a rich land.Why???
I find no other reason but that which Nehemiah and his people said of themselves in another time: "Because of our sins...."
I believe even our leaders (the number of corrupt compared to the underwhelming number of 'good' leaders) are a reflection of the of the character of "we the people". It does not matter how loud we shout and scream for better leaders. So long as the majority of the people in this nation possess a negative mentality and an almost complete ignorance of morality and propriety, we will have a majority of bad leaders rather than good.
This is a democracy and the majority choice is always reflected in our leaders. Our sins as a people have brought us to this state. Likewise I truly believe it is the prayers of those dedicated intercessors and God's Grace that keeps us from brink of disaster. To improve our situation we all need to change our way of thinking, all Christians need to start living they life they (we) so often preach about and pray for change.
Otherwise the leadership we will end up with will still reflect the same: Selfish, unpatriotic, immoral Majority; and the 'good' Minority.
In the end I would have to concur and say "We DO get the leaders we Deserve"....
God Bless PNG