In light of the recent tribal and ethnic fights (& killings) around the country, I just thought I’d share a thought. The problem of regionalism is not the only reason for the violence going on. But the major challenge in us Papua New Guineans is our EMOTIONAL IMMATURITY.
Unfortunately in PNG very little or no progress is made in the emotional growth of the majority. From my (unscientific) assessment I think most PNGeans have emotional levels equal to that of toddlers. That’s why we react more with how we feel rather than logic and reason. That’s why the educated elite still fight in towns like their brethren in the village. We throw tamper tantrums, feats, sulk, seek revenge foolishly and basically do WHATEVER WE FEEL AT ANY MOMENT without consideration of others—of course with the adult twist!
This may be a tough assessment of ourselves but I think we must confront such problems in ourselves in order to advance our attitudes.
Next time you’re faced with a choice. STOP AND THINK. Are you reacting according to your feeling or responding according to reason and logic? The sooner we shift the basis of our decisions from FEELINGS to REASON then the sooner we’ll establish peace between our tribes, provinces and regions. And give UNITY a chance…
EMOTIONAL MATURITY is being in charge of your emotions rather than the other way around.
Heavenise Week!
“Inspiring Change”